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20090603_123151 D3 X1
20090603_123251 D3 X1
20090603_123915 D3 X1
20090603_124005 D3 X1
20090603_124635 D3 X1
  20090603_125724 D3 X1.jpg - Skeleton Coast Camp is located within a private concession of the Skeleton Coast National Park.   There is no way in or out other than by plane.  With only 6 tents, there are very few people that have had the opportunity to visit this desolate and windswept piece of paradise.  It is difficult to comprehend that I am one of a very small number of people  (other than local Himba people) that are within several miles in any direction  
20090603_151916 D3 X1 V1
20090603_153203 D3 X1
20090603_153546 D3 X1
20090603_155415 D3 X1
20090603_160635 D3 X1

47 | Skeleton Coast Camp is located within a private concession of the Skeleton Coast National Park. There is no way in or out other than by plane. With only 6 tents, there are very few people that have had the opportunity to visit this desolate and windswept piece of paradise. It is difficult to comprehend that I am one of a very small number of people (other than local Himba people) that are within several miles in any direction
Photographer: FRED SELIGMAN MD | Camera: NIKON D3 | Date: 6/3/09 12:57 PM | Resolution: 4220 x 2813 | ISO: 200 | Exp. Time: 1/500s | Aperture: 8.0 | Focal Length: 70.0mm (=70mm) | Country: Namibia | Copyright: Copyright 2009 Fred Seligman MD | See map
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